

  Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit? mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like? the United? States,? Australia? and India? use phone numbers? with 10 digits.? Canada’s mobile phone numbers are perhaps the world’s shortest: they use seven digits.

  1.Which country has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world?


  2.What can we know from the first three digits of a phone number?

  The first three digits stand for_____________________.

  3.Why does China use 11 digits for phone numbers?


  4.When can a phone number be recycled?

  The service provider will ___________________________.

  5.Do Canadians have the world’s shortest mobile phone numbers?



  A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选 项中有两项是多余的。

  Linda: Helen, it’s time for supper. Let’s go to the dining hall together.

  Helen:Yes, it’s supper time, 1.

  Linda: Then, what shall we do now?

  Helen: I want to go to the library and return these books first.? 2.

  Linda: Of course.? 3.

  Helen: Yes, I think so.

  Linda: Let’s go there first, then we’ll go to the dining hall to have supper, OK?

  Helen: No problem. Look! Linda! What’s that on the ground?

  Linda: Let me see. Oh, it’s a backpack.?? 4.???

  Helen: Er, it’s brown. It might be Jane’s and hers is brown.

  Linda: Oh, no. Look at the notebook. Tim’s name is on it,?? 5.

  Helen: Let’s go and find Tim first.

  I think it’s closed now.

  so it must belong to him.

  Do you think the library is open at this time of day?

  but I think it must be crowded now.

  Whose backpack is it?

  Would you please go with me?

  Who is he?

  I think it’s closed now.

  so it must belong to him.

  Do you think the library is open at this time of day?

  but I think it must be crowded now.

  Whose backpack is it?

  Would you please go with me?

  Who is he?


  当代雷锋郭明义,在《幸福就这么简单》一书中,用自己的点滴平凡小事诠释出幸福的 真谛。幸福就围绕在我们身边,简单得触手可得,平凡得召之即来。那你的幸福观又是什么 呢?请以 My Happiness 为题写一篇短文。


  1. 你认为幸福是什么?

  2. 描述一件令你感到幸福的事(需交代时间、地点、过程与感受)。

  3. 以自己的感悟揭示:应该如何创造幸福。


  1. 短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;

  2. 卷面干净整洁;

  3. 词数 80 左右;

  4. 开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

  My Happiness

  After reading Guo Mingyi’s “Happiness Is So Simple”, I am deeply moved by his view on happiness. As for me,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________









