




  There are thousands of cats in the world, greedy cats, sleeping cats, lawless cats... But today I'd like to introduce you to two responsible cats living in restaurants.

  The two cats are a couple, the male cat is all black, the small eyes are green, he sees the stranger will be a little guarded, and the acquaintance is very gentle, naughty. The female cat is a flower cat, the eye is similar to the ordinary cat, it is a timid nature, see the stranger will run away, meet the acquaintance will not.

  The best thing to do with the two cats is my dad. Father often feeds cats and plays with them, so the cats are not afraid of their father, and they seem very close to him.

  Don't look at the two cats all beer and skittles between kitchen and dining-room, but they don't steal to eat the food, only eat food that my father feed them, and they perform the "task", not careless, highly responsible.

  One day, while I was eating, I was eating with gusto. Ji ji ji... "Eat a few sharp cries broke my interest, I look around, and finally found the sound source, is a lawless mouse, the mouse gloat, scurrying about when we didn't exist, just right, the female cat after is idle, found the mice, all of a sudden jump in the past. The mouse panicked, and there was nowhere to hide. The cat caught sight of it and bit the mouse, and refused to let go until the mouse died.

  My father said that there were dozens of mice that the cats had caught, and that each one was dead, and that they had not been left alive, and how responsible they were!

  People and animals can live in harmony and depend on each other. Cats depend on my father to feed them, and my father relies on cats to get rid of rats. That's the responsible cat that lives in a restaurant!


  The grandmother had a big flower cat. It was eight years old. It was the age of fifty. It was obviously the old man. But the hands and feet are still very flexible, the upper house, the tree is not a problem.

  This cat is very fat, maybe grandma always fed him delicious food! It was mostly yellow-brown, with grey and black stripes, and a pair of brown ears stood on guard, and their eyes were as bright as a light bulb, round and thin.

  Big flower cat is very lazy, I am used to call it "slacker". Every day he ate and slept, and ate and ate, and at night he did not catch mice. One day at noon, I really don't like it that the appearance of the lazy, oneself mood mood.according to take willow branches, rushed into the house on it, it seems to be understood, flew out, I followed it to the outside, had it already, and had to "hard work", but it slipped into the haystack, fast asleep again bask in the warm sun.

  "Lazy" is also very naughty, one day when I write a composition to plagiarize the couplets of the door, went out, come back later, see "slacker" sitting in my position is focused on my pen, I fire emit three zhangs, push it down hard, "hey!" It just won't go down! I give it to you, I called my uncle up, uncle suddenly arrived at the ground, the slacker this suddenly "slacker" seems to fall off the light, it sat on the ground half a day to just "get it", I psychological secretly happy: "hum! Little sample, play with me, you are still tender!" I proudly when suddenly a carp slacker DaTing "sou" once into the ark, haven't wait me to reflect, ark, came the screams make under a look carefully, big flower cat's mouth more than a fat rat. Then the lazy worm turned his eyes and looked at me with a steady, steady gait and marched out, demonstrating.

  This is grandma's flower cat, lazy, naughty but the key moment still do not lose "the hero true color"!


  People often raise a noble and proud animal, the cat. Cats are aloof and arrogant. Everything about a cat is its own life, the way it communicates its message. Sometimes lonely, narcissistic, ignore people. Free space to be alone. Sometimes like to sajiao, sticky people. Need the care and comfort of others. Mischievous, do wrong, need the person's instruction, but once too strict, will hold a grudge.

  A cat's mustache can be seen with the eyes, cheeks, chin, and four of the eyes of a cat. The root of beard is full of nerve, slight movement can detect, it is said that 2 milligram of things can feel, and even airflow, wind direction knows. It's rare to hear that a cat will bump into something or look around in the air, thanks to the cat's whiskers -- an excellent ruler. Cut off the beard cat will not be active if you use a pen to trace this around, there will be a larger circle than the face. The cat was able to judge whether or not he was able to pass through the narrow area. So if you cut off half of a cat's beard, absolutely not, the cat will become sluggish and lethargic.

  The cat is very love clean, when someone put it it immediately after use it tongue licking hair, but don't think he is hate you touch, it just want to remember your breath, in order to avoid lost can't find the owner. It's cool, but it's not cruel. It will go to catch mice, at a bird, a scratch cockroaches, chasing the ball, chase any moves, because it was originally a hunters, pure motives like summer kids see ice cream mouth water, collectors saw valuable treasures, eyes shine at once. He is very curious and CARES about the changes around him. If owner added at home furniture or bought anything new, and even owners bought a new pair of shoes, it will also give a lot of attention, from time to time go have a look, touch, touch, smell. It is always alert to all the changes that have taken place around us.

  If you have a cat, be kind to it.

  Cat composition 600 words 5: my little cat.

  I have a lovely little cat, whose name is flower. It had pear-colored hair, a pair of bright little eyes, a pointed nose, and a small brown mouth. Just because the mouth is brown, I think it's so cute!

  The flower is not only lovely, but also very clever! Once, we cook fish in the home, the little flower looks at the fish, the greedy mouth water, its small eyes narrowed for a moment to come up with a ghost idea. The whole family thought it wanted to go to the toilet, there was a basin, there was sand, everyone was busy, and the fish were still on the small table. The little flower saw no one, jumped on the table and took the fish to the table under the table, and ate with relish. When they came back, the flower was licking its lips with pride. Ha ha, everybody incredibly go up a little cat to fall for, really let a person cry and laugh!

  Sometimes the flower is very naughty, take the last time. On that day, I saw the flowers darting away, just like the little maniac, I used to see, oh, it was playing with a little bug. Take the flower to catch it, look to the left to see, may think it is not delicious, put it down, the small bug to escape, the flower is hot pursuit. Just like this one time run chase, catch hold, put chase, flower flower play to be able to be able to get up, what a "naughty" ah!

  The flower is very human, and it is very close to me. 20 days when it was born, mother hugged it went home, I use a small spoon to feed it milk drink slowly, so every day, I have put the flower flower fed in this way, flower flower so friendly with me, and I love "handshake". Whenever I came home from school, the first thing was to look at the flowers, and then the flowers would jump on me and hold out my little PAWS and shake hands with me. We are still a good friend who has nothing to say. If I have any trouble, I can say to the flower, it lowers its head, as if it is also for me.

  Flower flower is my "good partner", it is my pistachio, I really like it!
