


  The dog is a cute little animal, cute, tractable and lovable.

  There are dozens of dogs, hunting dogs, gun dogs, working dogs, pet dogs, etc. They are very versatile and can be used for hunting, for fun, for special jobs or for military service. They also have their own appearance, have a pair of big eyes, have pulled a long face, HanHanDe do there, and most of them are lithe body, limbs brisk, very agile, very alert.

  Dogs are not gregarious, they are solitary, because they belong to poultry, and are brought up by people. It's also a way of expressing joy. Usually at home guarding the door. Dogs are omnivorous animals, eat anything, as long as it is greasy, or heavy taste, ate with relish, love others, but for the bone is every time the house has a food, rice smell, it'll sneak into the kitchen, the smell, the smell to find food, at this point, the owner will give it some more or less throw a piece of meat, at this time, it will be carrying the meat Bob ran away.

  Usually dogs are very obedient, always running around with you. Annoyed but, if you put it, it will emit a angry hate hate, if it is very happy, let out a piercing scream, and a voice cried out, and wagged his tail, while smelling you, if you are struggling with food, it would be much happy. Dogs like to go into the water, and in the summer, they can often see "duck and dog play", they will fight and chase each other, so as to clean up their fur.

  Dogs are viviparous. The pup, who had just given birth, looked so frail that he was shaking and snorting. He could not walk, and he ran away in two or three weeks. They always make their bodies dirty, and their mother doesn't care.

  I like the dog, like its cleverness, more like its loyalty! Although it has the worst vices, it is also fun to be friends with dogs, and we should protect all animals.


  The dog, a very common animal, waits for us like a loyal guardian, to be our best friend, to be our keeper.

  In the early morning, people are still in the warm bed. Dogs, however, wake up early to look after people. He stood in the doorway of his master's door, and looked at the door quietly. It doesn't ask for anything in return, just for the sake of its own work.

  Late at night, people enter sweet dreamland, stars in the sky, a peaceful scene, the whole world again sleeping. But the dog is half asleep, and as long as there is a sound, it pricks up its ears, and when the stranger comes, it will scream and warn its owner.

  Some people say that dogs are very loyal to their owners. One night, I came out on duty and didn't see my mother pick me up. I forgot to tell my mother in the morning, and my mother couldn't see me. I might think I had gone home by myself. How to do? How to do? I was very anxious, like an ant on a hot pot. After a while, I still can't see my mother. At that moment, I decided to go home by myself. When I entered the powder, I saw my shellfish trembling in the cold wind. But don't flinch, you're still in school.

  Listen to grandma, the dog is not distracted when looking at the door, even food can not arouse its curiosity. Is that so? I with a grain of salt, so in order to confirm it, the second day morning, I took a piece from his pocket and beibei's favorite cookies at ordinary times gently on the ground and said to it: "baby, you see so long time, also should eat something, have a rest."

  Beibei, looked at the cookies, shook tail, drop a few drops of saliva, shook his head sitting in situ, mouth move move, as if to say to me: "small master, don't take things to lead me, now I am working." I took a chicken leg, and shellfish remained unmoved. I finally believed grandma's words.

  They are dedicated to the service of people, not to the return, not to the small and impulsive animals. They are dogs, loyal guards.


  Grandpa keeps a black dog in his house. In September of this year five puppies were born, three little black dogs, a flower dog, and a little white dog. I like the little white dog best, because it is covered with white fur and feels soft and soft. It looks like a clean white sweater. A pair of dark bright eyes, like two black gems, inlaid on the small and dainty head. The flat nose was smooth and moist, and grandpa said it was the dog's health. Its short tail is always swinging from side to side, and if you accidentally hurt it, it will pick up its tail and run away, calling back to see you for fear that you might hurt it again.

  When I first went back to my hometown to see it, I liked it very much, and gave it a nice name called "little snow ball". Not only does the snow ball grow fat, but it also likes to play ball.

  The home, I just take a ping pong ball, rolled back and forth in your hands, one not careful, table tennis is rolled out into the underground, pick up before I could give, light snow ball quickly run to come over, suddenly the table tennis to contain in the mouth. I ran to it, picked it up, opened its mouth and grabbed the ball, took the table tennis ball, and shook it in front of it. Light snow ball sure enough to attract it, staring at the table tennis trance looked at, at this time, I threw the ball fierce of go toward it behind a, I thought it didn't react, but see it in the back foot a stirrup, jump down from my body, and then ran to give the ball to bite, and his tail at me, as if to show off with me.

  Although the little snow ball is small, but it is not small.

  Grandpa said that every time the family came, he would always show his teeth and bark at the guests, and sometimes he would bite into the guest's trouser legs until the master appeared, otherwise he would not stop barking. If you stay long enough, it will remember you and stop Shouting at you. This may be the nature of the dog, and it is his best skill.

  I like dogs, and I like my grandpa's cute, clever little snow ball.
