



  What a novel coronavirus in 2020, why did I say this winter vacation is different? Because there is a virus that comes from Wuhan. In China, the virus is called "new coronavirus". And "SARS" 17 years ago, both belong to RHA virus, with strong variability, which is still in the early and middle stage. The disease starts with fever, coughs, and then bubbles fill your lungs.


  From the first day of the first year to the 15th day of the first month, my family and I stayed at home every day. Today is the 14th day. Every day, I can only look at the outside of my home, which is different from the previous winter vacation. I can see the street where there are no pedestrians. In the past, it was bright and bustling. In the past, it was red and fiery here, but now it is cold and clear here. The children who should be playing happily outside, the adults who work outside, the old people who walk in the park... Are like a bird imprisoned in a cage, but the people who should have been frightened are not afraid, because there are angels in white, and more because there is China. Now there are a lot of doctors and volunteers to help the government. My father also signed up to be a volunteer. At first, my mother and I didn't agree with my father. I thought it would be terrible if I was infected, but my father patiently explained to me and my mother: you three need a father, but now there are more people out there who need to help them like a father, waiting for everyone to spend the time together Dad can come back to accompany you after a difficult time! There will be plenty of time for Dad to accompany you, but when the country is difficult, we must stand up and do our best! After listening to Dad's words, I feel ashamed! When I grow up, I will be a responsible man like Dad! We really need to thank them for their hard work for us, and we need to believe those Angels in white and volunteers should believe in our China.


  This winter holiday is a little long. As long as we work together, follow the arrangements and fight against the epidemic together, it will be a meaningful winter holiday.



  Novel coronavirus infection is a very unusual year in the Spring Festival. But a new outbreak of pneumonia in a new coronavirus infection has swept the whole country in 2020, and it has touched the hearts of millions of people.


  The war on "epidemic" is a big test. In this resistance war without smoke of gunpowder, whether it is the "soldiers" in the front line or the masses of self-control, the whole country, the whole people's Anti Japanese War, overcome the difficulties.


  People's hearts move together. First of all, the strong power to win the prevention and control of the epidemic comes from the concerted efforts of hundreds of millions of people under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee. General secretary Xi Jinping novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work to make a series of important instructions, for our win the prevention and control of the war of resistance against disease provides a fundamental guide to follow and action.


  At present, the key to preventing and controlling epidemic situation is to achieve the same goal and the same direction. The key is to integrate the broad masses of cadres and masses' thoughts into Comrade Xi Jinping's important speech, the spirit of important instructions and the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Novel coronavirus is responsible for the prevention and control of the disease. In order to win the epidemic prevention and control, the leading group of the party and government responsible for the new coronavirus infection is set up by the Party Central Committee and the party organizations at all levels. The leading group of the new type of coronavirus infection pneumonia is unified leadership, unified command, and classified guidance to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.


  "The vicissitudes of the sea show the nature of heroism.". The more urgent and critical the situation is, the more severe the challenges and special circumstances are, the more we need to give full play to our organizational advantages and the more important the role of Party organizations and Party members. We must conscientiously study and implement the requirements put forward by Comrade Xi Jinping and the relevant documents issued by the CPC Central Committee to the party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres at all levels. We must rely more firmly on the strength and strength of organizations to mobilize Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres to actively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, and transform the party's political advantages, organizational advantages and close ties with the advantages of the masses. Strong political advantages of epidemic prevention and control.


  In order to win the battle of prevention and control of epidemic, we must carry forward the great national spirit, mobilize all the positive factors contained in the masses of the people, and form a "national soldier" for prevention and control of epidemic and elimination of virus. The great national spirit nurtured, inherited and developed by the Chinese people in their long-term struggle has provided a strong spiritual impetus for coping with this major challenge. In the process of winning the Resistance War of epidemic prevention and control, the people of the whole country have been brave and determined to build a steel great wall to fight against the epidemic; they have made great efforts to love each other and help each other, forming a national chess game of joint prevention and control of all forces and emergency rescue of various resources.










