


  We had moved from Cairo to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, away from my grandmother when I was eight years old. I missed her terribly. I was told I was her favorite grandchild;she was my favorite “Granny.” She was my Father’s mother.


  Two years later my mother and father separated and they were soon divorced. I felt as if my world was falling apart. My heart ached for that part of me that was slipping away. Mother must have sensed my longing, for she would take my little brother and me back to visit my Granny on occasions, even after the divorce.


  I was always aware Granny loved us. It was something you could feel with your heart, even when your world was turned upside down.


  She didn’t live in a fancy house or have expensive things, but I never noticed;I just knew she loved me and I loved her back.


  We had lived, for a time, next door to her and grandpa in a duplex while my father was away during World War II.

