


  【例1】 李华自我介绍


  姓名 李华 出生年月 1981年8月

  出生地 广东省佛山市

  学历 1994—2000 佛山第一中学

  2000—2004 广州大学计算机系

  2004—至今 在一家计算机公司工作

  所学主要课程 计算机、中文、数学、英语、体育

  特长爱好 游泳(曾获得过大学游泳比赛一等奖),音乐


  1. 简介必须包括以上全部内容(信的开头和结尾已经写好);

  2. 使用5个句子。

  Dear Manager,

  I am waiting for your reply.

  Thank you.

  Yours Truly,

  Li Hua


  文体 记叙文,用第一人称

  信息组织 ①写信目的,到贵公司工作;②姓名、出生地点、日期; ③学习简历;④学习内容,现在情况;⑤爱好和特长

  时态 现在进行时,一般过去时


  Dear Manager,

  I am writing you a letter in order to apply for a position in your company. My name is Li Hua and I was born in Foshan City of Guangdong Province in August 1981. I studied in Foshan No. 1 Middle School from 1994 - 2000, and then I came to study in the Computer Department of Guangzhou University for four years. I studied computer science, Chinese, maths, English, P.E, and now I am working for a computer company. I like pop music and swimming very much, and I once won the first prize for swimming in the school competition.

  I am waiting for your reply.

  Thank you.

  Yours Truly,

  Li Hua

  【例 2】介绍姚明和刘翔


  姓名 姚明 刘翔

  出生 1980年,上海 1983年,上海

  事迹 世界著名篮球运动员,现在美国NBA火箭队效力,球队主力队员之一,多次进入美国全明星队。 多次获得世界110米栏冠军,2004年雅典奥运会冠军,不久以后还打破了世界记录。

  爱好 听流行音乐 音乐,唱歌


  1. 简介必须包括以上全部内容(开头已经为你写好);

  2. 使用5个句子。

  3. 参考词汇:火箭队 Rocket, 110米栏110-metre hurdling,雅典奥运会——the Athens Olympic Games

  Hi, everyone. I would like to introduce two famous sport stars, Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.


  That’s all. Thank you!


  文体 记叙文,用第三人称

  信息组织 有两条线索:一是分别对比两人的各项情况,二是先介绍姚明,再介绍刘翔。第二条线索比较好。

  ①姚明,篮球运动员,出生;②主力队员,明星队; ③刘翔,110米栏世界冠军;④04雅典冠军,打破记录;⑤两人的爱好。

  时态 一般现在时,一般过去时


  Hi, everyone. I would like to introduce two famous sport stars, Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. Yao Ming, born in Shanghai in 1980, is a world famous basketball player. He is now one of the best players in Team Rocket in NBA, and he has been in All-Star Team for several times. Liu Xiang, who was also born in Shanghai but three years younger than Yao Ming, is a world champion in the 110-metre hurdls. He won the first prize in the Athens Olympic Games and broke the world record soon after that. Both of them love music, but Yao Ming likes listening to pop music whilst Liu Xiang likes singing.
