


  1. 介绍同学


  姓名 李敏 职务 高二(1)班班长

  特点 健康、活泼 爱好 体育活动,唱歌跳舞

  事迹 她各科成绩都好,但她刚进校时,英语学习有困难,经过努力,成绩上去了。2006年参加全国物理奥林匹克竞赛并获得一等奖。她严于律己,乐于助人。


  1. 简介必须包括以上全部内容;

  2. 版面有限,只能使用5个句子。


  文体 记叙文,用第三人称

  信息组织 ①姓名、职务、特点;②爱好、成绩; ③英语学习困难;④04物理竞赛;⑤她的品格

  时态 一般现在时,一般过去时

  2. 介绍两位年轻人


  年轻人之一 年轻人之二

  身高 约1.90米 约1.65米

  长相 高鼻子,大嘴巴,秃头 小鼻子,小眼睛,卷头发

  衣着 蓝上衣,旧皮鞋 黑色的裤子,运动鞋

  神色 匆匆忙忙,四处张望,每人手上都拿着一个塑料袋。

  逃离方向 沿着这条街,在红灯处左拐弯。


  1. 书面描述必须包括以上全部内容;

  2. 使用5个句子。

  参考词汇:秃头 bald head ,卷头发 curly hair


  文体 记叙文,用第三人称,侧重描写这两个人的外表特征。

  信息组织 信息组织可以有两条线索,一是分别逐项对比,二是先描述一个,再描述另一个。选择第一种比较容易辨别。

  ①身高对比;②长相对比; ③衣着对比;④神色;⑤方向

  时态 一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,现在完成时


  1. Li Ming, the monitor of Class 1 Grade 2, is healthy and lively. She does well in all her subjects, and she is fond of sports, singing and dancing. When she came to school, she had quite a lot of difficulties with the language, but with great efforts she made a lot of progress in her English language study. In 2006 she took part in the National Physics Olympic Competition and won the first prize. Li Ming is very strict with herself in her work and daily life, and is always ready to help other people.

  2. One is about 1.90 metres tall, and the other is only about 1.65 metres, quite short. The taller has a big nose, a big mouth and a bald head, whilst the shorter one has a small nose, small eyes and curly hair. The taller is wearing a blue jacket, a pair of old shoes, and the shorter is wearing black trousers with sports shoes. Each of them took a plastic bag in their hands while going in a hurry and looked around sometimes. They ran away down his street and turned left at the red light.
