




  From the church with white roof in the distance, the bell of love rings. The goddess of night - Moonlight puts gorgeous new clothes on the earth. The green countryside spreads charming summer flowers. There are blue waves, quiet forests, friendly flower beds and sweet noses. Everything goes to sleep quietly. The fairies of the earth come ashore in a boat made of flowers. The depressed Mars in the house is still shining slightly, and each spirit dancing like a bird on a flower branch is dancing gently together. Ah, a good dream is about to begin. The summer night full of love begins

  The book tells the story of the conflict caused by "magic juice" and the conflict being solved, and the lovers finally get married. Two young men, Lysander and Demetrius, fell in love with Hermia. Hermia was in love with rashander, and her friend Helena was in love with Demetrius. In order to fight against arranged marriage, Hermia eloped with her lover and went to the agreed forest. Helena told Demetrius the news, and they rushed to the forest. In this forest, there used to be a fairy king, a fairy queen, and the little fairy and fairy who served them. At this time, the fairy king and the fairy queen were at loggerheads because of a "change of children" (it is said that the fairy often steals the beautiful children of others to serve as waiters at night). In order to make the queen give in, the fairy king sent the elf puck to get the magic juice (a pure white flower in the West that mistakenly hit Cupid's love arrow, the juice from the wound) to tease the queen. This kind of magic juice has such magic power: if it drips on the eyelids of the sleepers, both men and women, wake up to see the creatures, they will love it like crazy.

  Because of the appearance of magic juice, the whole story changed dramatically. The magic juice dripped on the eyelids of the sleeping rashander. When he woke up, he saw Helena who had broken in by mistake. Therefore, poor Hermia was very sad because of the "empathy and don't fall in love" and was very attentive to Helena. But when Demetrius woke up, he saw Helena who was attracted by the spirit, so "old love revived", which made poor Helena very distressed. Two equally beautiful and kind-hearted girls are driven mad by grief and confused by surprise, so they begin to maliciously speculate and even slander each other. And two other infatuated young people dueled for Helena in anger. At the moment, we find that these four people are running in different directions, which makes us laugh and feel sorry. The struggle of happiness is so difficult, and fate makes people, but the process of this struggle is not a kind of pain, a kind of tragedy, but a kind of dramatic thing with the meaning of happiness. In this story, the most dramatic plot is probably the fairy queen's absurd "love" with a weaver who broke into the forest under the influence of magic juice. The funny Weaver originally came to play in the forest with several fellow craftsmen. The elf forced Ke to make the weaver become a more funny donkey. When the fairy queen woke up after contacting the magic juice, she saw the poor guy. So for the weaver, "misfortune" became "fortune", because he got the favor of the noble Fairy Queen. What an incredible thing and how funny it is! It all depends on the power of magic juice, the will of the fairy king and the naughtiness of the elf. Later, according to the Immortal King's will, the magic was relieved, the lovers were married, the immortals were as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world returned to peace. How can strong fantasies, combined with dramatic plots and the accumulation of dramatic factors, not be pleasing to the eye?

  The name of the play is called "dream" because the development of the plot is too fantastic and confusing. From four young people love each other, to complex infatuation and hatred. Then the fairy queen fell in love with the stupid donkey. Since the strange thing "magic juice" appeared, the whole story has changed dramatically. The magic power of "magic juice" makes people feel too like a dream. Later, according to the will of the fairy king, magic can be removed, lovers eventually get married, immortals are as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world return to peace. The intense fantasy is integrated into the dramatic plot. These chaotic changes turn into a peaceful and happy ending at last. At the end of the play, puck did say that if anyone is angry with the story of the elf prank, it should be regarded as a fantasy dream when he is sleeping. At the same time, I hope no one will still be angry with this beautiful and harmless Midsummer Night Dream.

  It's true that although all the elves are making trouble with it, it's a little absurd, funny and helpless. But it is because of such a dreamlike prank that a perfect love is achieved. On the way of good things, a midsummer night's dream is very happy and easy to grind. Finally, it ends with a grand singing party.

  Of course, the "joking" between fairies and weavers, as well as the comic dramas interspersed in the book, are all the crystallization of fantasy, poetry and cleverness, which are pleasing to the eyes and lingering back and forth. The most illusory but dream, the most beautiful but love. Just like life, love is a tragedy, a comedy, a meeting of dreams and feelings.


  The most illusory but dream, the most beautiful but love. Just like life, love is a tragedy, a comedy, a meeting of dreams and feelings. When I read Shakespeare's masterpiece A Midsummer Night's dream, I always have an impulse to laugh. This thin book really surprised me, because it enticed me to read it in one breath, but it didn't seem to finish it. At this time, I seem to be in the forest with blooming flowers, so I can't afford the beautiful scenery.

  The dream of midsummer night is about the marriage of Prince Theseus, the ruler of Athens. It is composed of two young men and women's love disputes, fairy's "magic juice" and a group of workers in Athens who perform drama for the Duke's wedding.

  This play narrates the complex and disordered love story between Hermia, rashander, Demetrius and Helena in Athens. Hermia's father objected to her being with rashander. Hermia was deeply in love with rashander, and because Demetrius had expressed his love to her best friend Helena, she was unwilling to comply with her father's orders. Hermia and rashander decided to escape from Athens to get their own true love, but Demetrius and Helena also followed the two lovers into the forest

  In the dead of night, they all fell asleep one after another. The little immortals wanted to use "magic juice" to help them smooth the relationship. Unexpectedly, the appearance of magic juice changed the whole story dramatically. The magic juice dripped on the eyelids of the sleeping rashander. When he woke up, he saw Helena who had broken in by mistake. Therefore, Hermia was very sad because of the "empathy and don't fall in love" and was very attentive to Helena. When Demetrius woke up, he saw Helena who was attracted by the spirit, so "old love revived", which made poor Helena very distressed. At this time, two equally beautiful and kind-hearted girls are driven mad by grief and stunned by surprise, so they begin to maliciously speculate and even slander each other, while the other two infatuated young people duel for Helena in anger.

  Please don't pay attention to the quarrel between the fairy king and the queen, because this is also their love. When dawn comes, the two playful people will get back together. Even if they have been noisy or envious and proud, love can forgive and forgive. Love is an omnipotent world. Rashander and Demetrius, two lucky teenagers, let the goddess of summer night wish you luck, and Bolton, tonight you can have a good dream? The tolerant and big belly Duke, you must remember to bless the love of young people, the crafty perc, don't be glib.

  It's one of Shakespeare's few comedies. It's lively and beautiful. Maybe she was deeply moved by the full interpretation of love. Don't forget to smile with the people. Although it is a play for the entertainment of the emperor and the nobility, it also allows people to see the omnipresent world of love - boundless, thanks to Shakespeare for such a beautiful ending, let us know that love will never end, love will be faithful and tenacious, love will come to the end, love will last forever - because love is you.
