


  The first feeling of "Midsummer Night" is that it has some ambiguous atmosphere or some words that reveal romantic and ethereal feelings. Go to the Internet, about midsummer refers to the second month of summer, because it is in the middle of summer, so it is called midsummer. Midsummer night is a night in May of the lunar calendar, and the night of June 4 this year is midsummer night.

  Shakespeare has many works, the reason why he chose the comedy midsummer night's dream is just because of some complex. Simple complex can decide a lot of things. Midsummer night is very simple, simple characters, simple dialogue, simple happiness, simple humor. In my opinion, midsummer night is just a funny, funny, warm and sweet drama. Moreover, only when the midsummer night's dream is vividly displayed, its fascinating scenery in Tuscany, the mysterious forest with blooming flowers, the haunting spirits, and the unique scene arrangement are the works that are incomparable in the script and can be felt and integrated.

  In the first scene, the first one is the scene under the pressure of social and family power. If you don't follow the father's order, you have the right to sentence your daughter to death. The first impression is the invasion of depression and tragedy. However, with the gradual progress of the plot and the transformation of the scene, the plot is more interesting and the mood is more open. The atmosphere of the whole play is also relaxed. The story of "disorderly mandarin duck spectrum", the farce, the play of elves, Shakespeare's rare comedy mixed with this magical fairy tale character and story, has to make people relaxed and happy. The most wonderful thing is the third act, because in the third act, the contradiction begins to show. The first person Lysander sees is Helena, who is surprised that Lysander falls in love with herself. Lysander said, "I don't love her at all. To me, she's just a crow, and you're a white dove." from here on, the drama begins to fluctuate. The magic liquid plays an absurd role: the Elven queen falls in love with an ass, the two lovers who love each other originally to the complicated relationship, Hermia and Helena from good friends to mutual incomprehension, all of which are Finally, with a happy ending, it's really like a dream in summer night, which can't be believed.

  The name of the play is called "dream" because the development of the plot is too fantastic and confusing. From four young people love each other, to complex infatuation and hatred. Then the fairy queen fell in love with the stupid donkey. Since the strange thing "magic juice" appeared, the whole story has changed dramatically. The magic power of "magic juice" makes people feel too like a dream. Later, according to the will of the fairy king, the magic can be removed, the lovers eventually get married, the immortals are as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world return to peace. Strong fantasy into the dramatic plot, these messy changes to the final and into a peaceful and happy happy ending. At the end of the play, puck did say: if anyone is angry with the story of the elf prank, then treat it as a fantasy dream in sleep! At the same time, I hope no one will be angry with this beautiful and harmless Midsummer Night Dream. It's true that although all the elves are making trouble with it, it's a little absurd, funny and helpless. But it is because of such a dream like prank that a perfect love has been achieved, on the way of good things and bad things. "Midsummer night's dream" was very happy and relaxed, and ended with a grand singing party. Of course, the "joking" between fairies and weavers, as well as the comic dramas interspersed in the book, are all the crystallization of fantasy, poetry and cleverness, which are pleasing to the eyes and lingering back and forth. The most illusory but dream, the most beautiful but love. Just like life, love is a tragedy, a comedy, a meeting of dreams and feelings.


  My feeling after reading the play "midsummer night's dream" is joy and relaxation. It's like traveling in a dreamlike world. It's not like fighting and killing in Romeo and Juliet. You will be immersed in the depression and sadness of sacrificing love for love. But the play has something in common with Romeo and Juliet. For example, they are all crazy for the love of vows and pledges, willing to pay all the costs for the beloved, regardless of the opposition of their parents, willing to go away with the beloved.

  In the simple and lovely countryside of Tuscany, Athens, the wedding of Prince Theseus and his fiancee, Hippolyte, was preparing in an orderly way. The Duke was involved in a quarrel against arranged marriage: the stubborn old aegis betrothed his daughter, Hermia, to Demetrius, but she loved rashander and desperately wanted to marry him, so she decided to elope with her lover. Helena, who loved Demetrius, told him the plan in return for love. That night, the couple ran into the woods with Demetrius and Helena. At this time, there was a group of amateur actors in the woods. They were workers in the nearby village. They were looking for a place to rehearse the program performed at the Duke's wedding. But even their director, Burton, the weaver, was a very clumsy man, with a funny performance. But no matter for lovers or actors, they don't know that they are close to the secret home of elves in the dark jungle. The beautiful fairy queen and the handsome fairy king are quarreling about their willfulness. The elves found a kind of flowers and plants to produce love, blindfolded the lovers' eyes, so this lively and beautiful summer night began to sing.

  The brave and lovely Hermia incarnated into a warm lily for the faithful love, "since it seems that it is a law of fate for the true lovers to suffer setbacks forever, let's practice patience; for such setbacks, just like memories, dreams, sighs, hopes and cries, are the indispensable followers of poor love." With the arrow of Cupid's golden arrow, with the purity of Venus's dove, with the power of combining soul and Hu You's love, she put aside the shackles of the secular world and wanted to sing for love!

  She let me see the constancy of love and the courage of love. She watered the rose on her face with tears. "Ah, what a magic power exists in my love, which can turn heaven into a hell!" love is warm, loyal, singing, pursuing with all one's heart to find. Let's love her bright eyes, let's cherish her hard-working Running, let's bless her love that never stops.

  Another girl, beautiful and sad Helena, you let me cherish and dry the crystal tears beside your cheeks. Apollo will start singing. Your prince will never be as ethereal as Daphne. "Love is looked at with the heart without the eyes, so Cupid with wings is often described as blind; moreover, the judgment of love is totally irrational, with wings, without eyes, showing reckless impatience. Therefore, the God of love is said to be a child, because he often makes mistakes in selection." So, please forgive him for being late. The elves are guiding him to your side. "All despicable weaknesses become unimportant in love, but become happy and solemn." Love is blind, love is obedient, love is inseparable, despite the pain. Please continue to open the direction of the star to love faith, this day good dream come true, you will see eventually.

  What an incredible thing and how funny it is! It all depends on the power of magic juice, the will of the fairy king and the naughtiness of the elf. Later, according to the Immortal King's will, the magic was relieved, the lovers were married, the immortals were as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world returned to peace. Strong fantasy into the dramatic plot, coupled with the book's poetic and astute dramatic language makes people more lingering






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