

  And this is what I'm trying to explain has happened to us in the 21st century. Somebody or something has changed the rules about how our world works. When I'm joking, I try and explain it happened at midnight, you see, while we were asleep, but it was midnight 15 years ago. Okay? You didn't notice it? But basically, what they do is, they switched all the rules round, so that the way to successfully run a business, an organization, or even a country, has been d, flipped, and it's a completely new — you think I'm joking, don't you — there's a completely new set of rules in operation. (Laughter) Did you notice that? I mean, you missed this one. You probably — No, you didn't. Okay. (Laughter)这就是我现在想要为大家解释的,在眼下21世纪正在我们身上发生的事情。不知不觉间,这个世界运行的规律已经改变。我有时会开玩笑地跟大家解释说,这些改变就是在我们酣睡的时候发生的。你们明白了,15年前的午夜,我们沉醉在梦乡之时,改变来了。你们当时没注意到?但是实际上,他们转变了我们周围的所有规则,不管是成功运作一笔生意,或是成功管理一个组织,甚至是成功领导一个国家,旧的规则都被删除并且颠覆了,于是我们有了全新的规则——你一定觉得我在忽悠人,是吗——一套全新的运作规则。你当时没注意到?我的意思是你错过了它。你很可能——不,你就是没注意到好吗。(笑声)

  My simple idea is that what's happened is, the real 21st century around us isn't so obvious to us, so instead we spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognize, but which no longer exists. You don't believe me, do you? Okay. (Applause)简单的说我认为事情是这样的,发生在我们身边的21世纪的真相并不是那么的容易看出来, 所以我们花时间去认真回应一个我们曾经理解和熟悉的世界,但是却已经不存在。你其实不相信我,不是吗?好吧。(喝彩)
