

  So let me take you on a little journey of many of the things I don't understand. If you search Amazon for the word "creativity," you'll discover something like 90,000 books. If you go on Google and you look for "innovation + creativity," you get 30 million hits. If you add the word "consultants," it doubles to 60 million. (Laughter) Are you with me? And yet, statistically, what you discover is that about one in 100,000 ideas is found making money or delivering benefits two years after its inception. It makes no sense. Companies make their expensive executives spend ages carefully preparing forecasts and budgets which are obsolete or need changing before they can be published.那么让我带你开始一个短小精悍的旅程满是我不理解的事。如果你在亚马逊上搜索“创新”,你将发现至少9万本与此有关的书籍。如果你谷歌搜索“改革+创新”,你会搜到3千万个链接。如果你再多加一个关键词“顾问”,链接数直接加倍变成6千万。你还在听我说吗?于是乎,从数据上,你看出些什么端倪了吗,恐怕只有十万分之一的点子能帮你挣到钱,或者在下个两年内为你带来收益。 所以它们没有任何意义。无数身价不菲的企业高管经年累月小心翼翼的准备那些市场预测与预算,但是还不等完成就已过时和有待改进了。

  How is that possible? If you look at the visions we have, the visions of how we're going to change the world, the key thing is implementation. We have the vision. We've got to make it happen. We've spent decades professionalizing implementation. People are supposed to be good at making stuff happen. However, if I use as an example a family of five going on holiday, if you can imagine this, all the way from London all the way across to Hong Kong, what I want you to think about is their budget is only 3,000 pounds of expenses. What actually happens is, if I compare this to the average real project, average real successful project, the family actually end up in Makassar, South Sulawesi, at a cost of 4,000 pounds, whilst leaving two of the children behind. (Laughter) What I'm trying to explain to you is, there are things which don't make sense to us.怎么会这样呢?想想我们自己的价值观吧,想想我们想如何改变这个世界,最核心的观点就是实施。我们有个想法, 我们就要努力实现它。我们花了数十年去研究如何把理念变为现实。理论上说我们应该很擅长创造才对。然而,如果我以一个五口之家准备去旅行为例,想象一下,从伦敦出发目标是香港,他们的预算只有3000英镑。现实就是,如果比较一下成功案例的平均花销,真正能实现的成功案例,这家人最多能到望加锡,南苏拉威西,花掉4千英磅,同时还得把俩孩子丢家里。通过这个案例我希望告诉大家的是,很多事情对我们没有任何意义。
