

  What we do know is that the world has accelerated. Cyberspace moves everything at the speed of light. Technology accelerates things exponentially. So if this is now, and that's the past, and we start thinking about change, you know, all governments are seeking change, you're here seeking change, everybody's after change, it's really cool. (Laughter) So what happens is, we get this wonderful whooshing acceleration and change. The speed is accelerating. That's not the only thing. At the same time, as we've done that, we've done something really weird. We've doubled the population in 40 years, put half of them in cities, then connected them all up so they can interact. The density of the interaction of human beings is amazing. There are charts which show all these movements of information. That density of information is amazing. And then we've done a third thing. you know, for those of you who have as an office a little desk underneath the stairs, and you say, well this is my little desk under the stairs, no! You are sitting at the headquarters of a global corporation if you're connected to the Internet. What's happened is, we've changed the scale. Size and scale are no longer the same. And then add to that, every time you tweet, over a third of your followers follow from a country which is not your own.有一点可以肯定,世界正在加速中。互联网把所有的事情都变成了光速。科技让我们的世界以指数级的加速度加速前进。所以打这一刻起,我们刚谈到的都已是历史了,现在我们开始考虑改变了,你们都知道,所有的政府都在求新求变,你们也是为此而来,所有人都追求变化,这真是太令人着迷了。(笑声)眼下,世界正如火箭班呼啸加速。不停的加速。还不止如此。与此同时,除了改变世界,我们还做了些非常奇怪的事情。我们的人口在四十年间增加了一倍,一半的新增人口生活在城市里,所有人都能彼此互动彼此交流,交流和互动之频繁令人震惊。很多相关的数据都证明了这种信息流动的存在。信息的密度大的惊人。于是我们还做了第三件事。 你们一定都懂,只要你们在办公室里工作过,楼梯间角落里那张小书桌,你们一定会觉得,好吧这就是我那张角落里的小桌子,错了!你正坐在一家国际企业的总部中,因为你可以上网。之所以这么说是因为,我们衡量事物的标准变了。大小和规模的含义和从前是天壤之别了。再想想这个,每次你发X推X特(微博),超过三分之一的听众来自异国他乡。
