

  It gets even worse than that. Let me just walk you through this one. This is a quote, and I'll just pick words out of it. It says -- I'll put on the voice -- "In summary, your Majesty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis was due to the lack of creativity and the number of bright minds," or something like that. This was a group of eminent economists apologizing to the Queen of England when she asked the question, "Why did no one tell us that the crisis was coming?" (Laughter) I'll never get my knighthood. I'll never get my knighthood. (Laughter) That's not the important point. The thing you have to remember is, these are eminent economists, some of the smartest people on the planet. Do you see the challenge? (Laughter)有时会更糟糕。所以这个案例就到此为止吧。这里有断摘要,我只挑些重点。它说——我会帮它配音——“总体来说,女王陛下,之所以没能预测到本次危机的时间、范围和严重性,是因为缺乏创造力和一些聪明的头脑,”或者类似的事情。这封给英女王的道歉信,出自一个由杰出经济学家们组成的团体,女王问了如下的问题,“为什么没人提醒我们危机要来了?”(笑声)我永远也不会得到爵位了。我没戏了。(笑声)不过这事无关紧要。我想让大家记住的是,这些杰出的经济学家们,他们可是我们这个星球上最聪明的人啊。你是不是觉得有点不妙了?(笑声)

  It's scary. My friend and mentor, Tim Brown of IDEO, he explains that design must get big, and he's right. He wisely explains this to us. He says design thinking must tackle big systems for the challenges we have. He's absolutely right. And then I ask myself, "Why was it ever small?" Isn't it weird? You know, if collaboration is so cool, is cross-functional working is so amazing, why did we build these huge hierarchies? What's going on? You see, I think what's happened, perhaps, is that we've not noticed that change I described earlier.太可怕了。我的朋友兼导师,IDEO的蒂姆布朗,他觉得好的设计要从大处着手,他是对的。他非常巧妙的把这个理念解释给了我。他认为设计思维必须从宏观世界的角度去考虑我们的设计目标。他很显然是对的。于是我问自己,“为什么以前的设计总是从小处着手呢?”这不奇怪吗?你们知道,既然协作这么迷人,既然跨职能合作这么好用,为什么我们创造出了眼下这个巨大的层级制度呢?我们出了什么问题?你们看,我觉得问题就处在,也许,就是我们没有察觉到的早先我提到的改变。
