

  What's happened in this world of pipe is somebody has flipped it. They've changed the rules from laminar to turbulent. All the rules are gone. In that environment, instantly, all the possibilities which turbulence brings are available, and it's not the same as laminar. And if we didn't have that green ink, you'd never notice.管子里发生的事情是因为有人颠覆了它的世界。把平静的水流变成了汹涌的急流。所有的就规则都消失了。在充满急流管子里,一瞬间,急流带来了无限的可能性,与以前完全不同。如果不是这些伟大的墨水,你们永远也不会发现注意到这些变化。

  And I think this is our challenge, because somebody has actually increased — and it's probably you guys with all your tech and stuff — the speed, the scale and the density of interaction.这对我们来说是个挑战,因为实际上有人——那个人很可能就是你们自己,你们的知识或者设备——把世界的节奏,衡量标准和交流的密度都改变了。

  Now how do we cope and deal with that? Well, we could just call it turbulence, or we could try and learn. Yes, learn, but I know you guys grew up in the days when there were actually these things called correct answers, because of the answer you gave me to the horizontal line puzzle, and you believe it will last forever. So I'll put a little line up here which represents learning, and that's how we used to do it. We could see things, understand them, take the time to put them into practice. Out here is the world. Now, what's happened to our pace of learning as the world has accelerated? Well, if you work for a corporation, you'll discover it's quite difficult to work on stuff which your boss doesn't approve of, isn't in the strategy, and anyway, you've got to go through your monthly meetings. If you work in an institution, one day you will get them to make that decision. And if you work in a market where people believe in cycles, it's even funnier, because you have to wait all the way for the cycle to fail before you go, "There's something wrong." You with me? So it's likely that the line, in terms of learning, is pretty flat. You with me? This point over here, the point at which the lines cross over, the pace of change overtakes the pace of learning, and for me, that is what I was describing when I was telling you about midnight.现在我们该怎么应对这一切呢?好吧,我们可以打打酱油,或者努力去尝试理解和学习它。不错,学习,但是我知道在你们成长的年代里,有种东西叫做正确答案,因为它的存在,你们才会答错我的水平线测试,你们觉得它永远是对的。所以我画一条线在这上边代表着学习,这是我们以前对待学习的方法。通过学习我们记住并 理解我们看到的一切,随后再花时间付诸行动。这里就是我们的世界。现在,我们是的学习进度是怎么的,伴随着不停加速的世界?好吧,如果你为一家企业工作,你会发现你几乎是寸步难行。如果没有老板的批准,不是因为公司策略或者其他的任何原因,你连每月的例会都没法通过。如果你在非商业机构里工作,总有一天你会说服你的领导批准你。如果你身在所谓的遵从市场规律的金融行业,那就更有趣了,因为你要一直等到市场最低迷的时候才能买入,“这有点落井下石啊。”所以这就像是那条线,代表学习的那条线,非常的平坦。你们还在听吗?这点在这, 两条线的交叉点,变化的幅度打败了学习的幅度,对于我来说,那就是我想要描述的,我早前给大家提到的变化发生的时刻。
