

  So what does it do to us? Well, it completely transforms what we have to do, many mistakes we make. We solve last year's problems without thinking about the future. If you try and think about it, the things you're solving now, what problems are they going to bring in the future? If you haven't understood the world you're living in, it's almost impossible to be absolutely certain that what you're going to deliver fits.所以它到底对我们做了什么呢?这样说吧,它彻底的改变了我们的行为方式,我们犯了很多错。我们纠正去年的错误,但却完全不考虑以后的问题。如果你们试着去考虑一下将来,眼下正在处理的问题,他们将来会出什么问题呢?如果你还是没能理解眼下的世界,你几乎不可能确定自己怎么做才合适。

  I'll give you an example, a quick one. Creativity and ideas, I mentioned that earlier. All the CEOs around me, my clients, they want innovation, so they seek innovation. They say to people, "Take risks and be creative!" But unfortunately the words get transformed as they travel through the air. Entering their ears, what they hear is, "Do crazy things and then I'll fire you." Why? (Laughter) Because — Why? Because in the old world, okay, in the old world, over here, getting stuff wrong was unacceptable. If you got something wrong, you'd failed. How should you be treated? Well, harshly, because you could have asked somebody who had experience. So we learned the answer and we carried this in our heads for 20, 30 years, are you with me? The answer is, don't do things which are different. And then suddenly we tell them to and it doesn't work. You see, in reality, there are two ways you can fail in our new world. One, you're doing something that you should follow a procedure to, and it's a very difficult thing, you're sloppy, you get it wrong. How should you be treated? You should probably be fired. On the other hand, you're doing something new, no one's ever done before, you get it completely wrong. How should you be treated? Well, free pizzas! You should be treated better than the people who succeed. It's called smart failure. Why? Because you can't put it on your C.V.我想举个例子,简短的。创新和思想我早前跟大家提过。我的顾客们,那些首席执行官们,他们都想要新东西,所以他们最寻创新。他们都会跟员工说,“不要怕风险要敢于创新!”但不幸的是这些话到了员工的耳朵里确是截然不同的意思。员工听到的是,“谁要是敢乱来我就炒了他。”为什么会这样?(笑声)因为——为什么?因为在旧的世界里,好吧,在曾经的世界里,这里,做错事是不可接受的。如果你犯了错,你失败了。什么后果呢?好吧,后果很严重,因为你本可以求助有经验的前辈。 所以我们学到了答案并且一直保存在脑袋里超过20,30年,你们还在听吗? 答案就是,不要做和别人不一样的事情。现在突然老板告诉他们放手去做,但是没人会当真。 你们明白了吧,在新世界中有两种方式会导致你失败。一,你的工作就是照着章程一步一步来,并且这是一份很困难的工作,你只是在敷衍,你犯了错。老板会怎么对你?你很肯能被炒鱿鱼。 另一种情况,你做了从来没人做过的事情,你彻底的失败了。你老板会怎么对你? 好吧,免费的午餐!你比那些成功者更值得重视。这就是聪明的失败者。为什么这么说?因为你不能把它放在简历上。
