诗歌欣赏Done With


  by Ann Stanford

  My house is torn down——

  Plaster sifting, the pillars broken,

  Beams jagged, the wall crushed by the bulldozer.

  The whole roof has fallen

  On the hall and the kitchen

  The bedrooms, the parlor.

  They are trampling the garden——

  My mother's lilac, my father's grapevine,

  The freesias, the jonquils, the grasses.

  Hot asphalt goes down

  Over the torn stems, and hardens.

  What will they do in springtime

  Those bulbs and stems groping upward

  That drown in earth under the paving,

  Thick with sap, pale in the dark

  As they try the unrolling of green.

  May they double themselves

  Pushing together up to the sunlight,

  May they break through the seal stretched above them

  Open and flower and cry we are living.

  诗歌欣赏:Drinking With Someone In The

  As the two of us drink

  together, while mountain

  flowers blossom beside, we

  down one cup after the other

  until I am drunk and sleepy

  so that you better go!

  Tomorrow if you feel like it

  do come and bring your lute

  along with you!

  by Louis Simpson

  Trees in the old days used to stand

  And shape a shady lane

  Where lovers wandered hand in hand

  Who came from Carentan.

  This was the shining green canal

  Where we came two by two

  Walking at combat-interval.

  Such trees we never knew.

  The day was early June, the ground

  Was soft and bright with dew.

  Far away the guns did sound,

  But here the sky was blue.

  The sky was blue, but there a smoke
