





  China Distance Education Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries and consolidated affiliated entities (collectively, the “Company”) have adopted this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) as an expression of the Company’s values and to represent a framework for decision-making. The Company is committed to the highest standards of business conduct and ethics. The Company seeks to conduct its business as a good corporate citizen and to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to it or the conduct of its business. The Code shall govern the relationships between the Company’s employees, including directors and officers (an “Employee” and, collectively, the “Employees”), and the Company’s customers, suppliers, shareholders, competitors, and the communities in which the Company operates.

  China Distance Education Holdings Limited、其子公司及合并附属机构(下文统称“公司”)接纳本商业行为准则和道德规范(下文简称“准则”)作为公司价值的体现,并为公司决策提供框架。公司一直致力于高标准的行为准则和道德规范。公司致力于作为良好法人开展工作并遵循所有适用于公司或公司业务行为的法律法规。准则将管理公司员工之间的关系,包括董事和工作人员(下文统称“员工”),以及公司客户、供应商、股东、竞争者,以及公司营业地所处的社区等。

  1. Application of the Code.

  The Code applies to each Employee and must be strictly observed. If an Employee fails to observe the Code, he or she may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Therefore each Employee individually is responsible to understand the Code and to act in accordance with it. The Code is not intended to cover every applicable law, rule or regulation or to provide answers to all questions that may arise. Therefore in addition to observing the Code, an Employee must use good judgment in assessing whether any given action is ethical or otherwise constitutes good business conduct. From time to time an Employee may also be required to seek guidance from others with respect to the appropriate course of conduct in a given situation. If an Employee has any questions regarding any law, rule, regulation, or principle discussed in the Code which may govern business conduct, he or she should contact a supervisor, or the Corporate Legal Department.



  2. Code Does Not Constitute an Employment Contract.

   The Code does not in any way constitute an employment contract or an assurance of continued employment. It is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Company and may not be used or relied upon by any other party. The Company may modify or repeal the provisions of the Code or adopt a new Code at any time it deems appropriate, with or without notice to its Employees.



  3. Conflicts of Interest.


  3.1 Conflicts of Interest Prohibited. The Company’s policy is to prohibit conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when an Employee’s personal interest interferes, or appears to interfere, with the interests of the Company in any way. Conflicts of interest may only be waived by the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”), and will be promptly disclosed to the public to the extent required by law or applicable stock exchange requirements.


  3.2 Identifying Conflicts of Interest. A conflict of interest can arise when an Employee or a member of his or her family takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her Company work objectively and effectively. Conflicts of interest can also arise when an Employee or a member of his or her family receives improper personal benefits as a result of the Employee’s position in the Company. Such conflicts of interest can undermine an Employee’s business judgment and responsibility to the Company and threaten the Company’s business and reputation. Accordingly, an Employee should avoid all apparent, potential, and actual conflicts of interest. Further, an Employee must communicate to the Corporate Legal Department all potential and actual conflicts of interest or material transactions or relationships that reasonably could be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest or the appearance of such a conflict of interest. The following activities all generally constitute a conflict of interest:


  3.2.1 Corporate Opportunities. An Employee taking opportunities for his or her own benefit that are discovered through the use of the Company’s information, property or position; or an Employee using the Company’s information, property or position for his or her own personal gain or to compete with the Company.


  3.2.2 Loans. The granting by the Company of any loans or guaranties for an Employee or for the Employee’s family members. Such activity will not be allowed without the prior written approval of the Corporate Legal Department, and if appropriate, the Board or a committee thereof. The Company will not extend, maintain or arrange for any personal loan to or for any director or executive officer (or the equivalent thereof).


  3.2.3 Outside Activity. An Employee engaging in any outside activity that materially detracts from or interferes with the performance by an Employee of his or her services to the Company.


  3.2.4 Outside Employment. An Employee serving as a director, representative, employee, partner, consultant or agent of, or providing services to, a company that is a supplier, customer or competitor of the Company.


  3.2.5 Personal Interest. An Employee having any personal interest, whether directly or indirectly, in a transaction involving the Company.


  3.2.6 Personal Investments. An Employee owning, directly or indirectly, a material amount of stock in, being a creditor of, or having another financial interest in a supplier, customer or competitor.


  3.3 Reporting. Each Employee must report conflicts of interest to a superior who they believe is not involved in the matter giving rise to the conflict. Any Employee who has questions as to whether a conflict of interest exists after consulting the Code should contact the Corporate Legal Department for assistance in making that determination.

