

  9. Reporting Illegal or Unethical Behavior.


  9.1 Obligation to Report Violations. Any Employee who is aware of any illegal or unethical behavior at the Company or in connection with its business, or who believes that an applicable law, rule or regulation or the Code has been violated, must promptly report the matter to the Corporate Legal Department. Furthermore, an Employee who has a concern about the Company’s accounting practices, internal controls or auditing matters should report his or her concerns to the Corporate Legal Department. Employees should take care to report violations to a person who they believe is not involved in the matter giving rise to the violation.


  9.2 Company to Investigate Reported Violations. The Company will investigate promptly all reports of violations and, if appropriate, remedy the violation. If legally required, the Company will also immediately report the violation to the proper governmental authority. An Employee must cooperate with the Company to ensure that violations are promptly identified and resolved.


  9.3 Employees Who Report Violations Will Be Protected from Retaliation. The Company shall protect the confidentiality of those making reports of possible misconduct to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the requirements necessary to conduct an effective investigation and the law. In no event will the Company tolerate any retaliation against an Employee for reporting an activity that he or she in good faith believes to be a violation of any law, rule, regulation, or the Code. Any superior or other Employee intimidating or imposing sanctions on an Employee for reporting a matter will be disciplined up to and including termination.


  10. Quality of Disclosure.

  The Company is subject to certain reporting and disclosure requirements in the United States. As a result the Company will be regularly required to report its financial results and other material information about its business to the public and to regulators. The Company’s policy is promptly to disclose accurate and complete information regarding its business, financial condition and results of operations. Each Employee must strictly comply with all applicable standards, laws, regulations and policies for accounting and financial reporting of transactions, estimates and forecasts. Inaccurate, incomplete or untimely reporting will not be tolerated and can severely damage the Company and result in legal liability. Each Employee should be on guard for, and promptly report, any possibility of inaccurate of incomplete financial reporting. Particular attention should be paid to financial results that seem inconsistent with the performance of the underlying business, transactions that do not seem to have an obvious business purpose, or and requests to circumvent ordinary review and approval procedures. The Company’s senior financial officers and other employees working in the Finance Department have a special responsibility to ensure that all of the Company’s financial disclosures are full, fair accurate, timely and understandable. Any practice or situation that might undermine this objective should be reported to the Corporate Legal Department. An Employee with information relating to questionable accounting or auditing matters may also confidentially, and anonymously if they desire, submit the information in writing to the Board’s Audit Committee.



  11. Responding to Improper Conduct.

  The Company will enforce the Code on a uniform basis for everyone, without regard to an Employee’s position within the Company. If an Employee violates the Code, he or she will be subject to disciplinary action. Supervisors and managers of a disciplined Employee may also be subject to disciplinary action for their failure to properly oversee an Employee’s conduct, or for any retaliation against an Employee who reports a violation. The Company’s response to misconduct will depend upon a number of factors including whether the improper behavior involved illegal conduct. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, reprimands and warnings, probation, suspension, demotion, reassignment, reduction in salary or immediate termination. Employees should be aware that certain actions and omissions prohibited by the Code might be crimes that could lead to individual criminal prosecution and, upon conviction, to fines and imprisonment.  对不当的行为的反应。


  12. Waivers.

  Waivers or exceptions to the Code may only be granted in advance and only under exceptional circumstances. A waiver of the Code for any executive officer or director may be made only by the Board or a committee thereof and must be promptly disclosed to the extent required by applicable law and stock exchange requirements.











