

  4. Gifts and Entertainment.


  4.1 General Policy. The Company recognizes that the giving and receiving of gifts and entertainment is common business practice. However, gifts and entertainment should never compromise, or appear to compromise, an Employee’s ability to make objective and fair business decisions. The Company’s policy is that an Employee may give or receive gifts or entertainment to or from customers and suppliers only if the gift or entertainment could not be viewed as an inducement to any particular business decision.


  4.2 Giving Gifts and Entertainment. An Employee must obtain written permission from the head of his or her department before giving any gifts or entertainment on behalf of the Company. Furthermore, the Employee must ensure that the expense for such gifts or entertainment is properly recorded on the Company’s expense reports.


  4.3 Reporting Gifts. An Employee must only accept appropriate gifts from customers or suppliers. The Company encourages Employees to submit each such gift he or she receives. However, an Employee must submit to his or her department any gift the objective market value of which exceeds RMB200.


  4.4 Bribes, Kickbacks and Secret Commissions Prohibited. The Company’s policy is to encourage fair transactions. No Employee may give or receive any bribe, kickback, or secret commission.


  5. Confidentiality.

  An Employee must maintain the confidentiality of all information entrusted to him or her by the Company, its suppliers, its customers and other individuals or entities related to the Company’s business. Confidential information includes any non-public information that if disclosed might be useful to the Company’s competitors or harmful to the Company, or its customers or suppliers. Confidential information includes, among other things, the Company’s customer lists and details, new product plans, new marketing platforms or strategies, computer software, trade secrets, research and development findings, manufacturing processes, or the Company’s acquisition or sale prospects. Employees in possession of confidential information must take steps to secure such information. Employees must take steps to ensure that only other Employees who have a “need to know” the confidential information in order to do their job can access it, and to avoid discussion or disclosure of confidential information in public areas (for example, in elevators, on public transportation, and on cellular phones). An Employee may only disclose confidential information when disclosure is authorized by the Company or legally required. Upon termination of employment, or at such other time as the Company may request, each Employee must return to the Company any medium containing confidential information, and may not retain duplicates. An Employee has an ongoing obligation to preserve confidential information, even after his or her termination of employment with the Company, until such time as the Company discloses such information publicly or the information otherwise becomes available to the public through no fault of the Employee.



  6. Fair Dealing.

  Each Employee must deal fairly with each of the Company’s customers, suppliers, competitors and other Employees. Employees must not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair-dealing practices.



  7. Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets. An Employee must protect the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Such assets include, among other things, communication systems, information (proprietary or otherwise), material, facilities and equipment, as well as intangible assets. An Employee must not use such assets for personal profit for themselves or others. Additionally, an Employee must act with reasonable care to protect the Company’s assets from theft, loss, damage, misuse, removal and waste. Where an Employee discovers any theft, loss, damage, misuse, removal or waste of a Company asset, he or she must promptly report this to the Company. Finally, an Employee must use reasonable efforts to ensure that Company assets are used only for legitimate business purposes.

