

  8. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations.


  8.1 Generally. An Employee must comply fully with all laws, rules and regulations applying to the Company’s business and its conduct in business matters. This includes, among other things, laws applying to insider trading, bribery, kickbacks, and secret commissions, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, information privacy, offering or receiving gifts, employment harassment, occupational health and safety, false or misleading financial information or misuse of corporate assets. The fact that certain laws, rules or regulations are not enforced in practice, or that the violation of such laws, rules or regulations is not subject to public criticism or censure, will not excuse any illegal action by an Employee. The Company expects each Employee to understand all laws, rules and regulations that apply to his or her position at the Company. Where an Employee has a doubt as to the legality of a given action or the proper course of conduct, that Employee must immediately consult the Corporate Legal Department. Aside from strictly legal considerations, Employees must at all times act honestly and maintain the highest standards of business conduct and ethics, consistent with the professional image of the Company.


  8.2 Insider Trading. United States federal and state law prohibits the use of “material inside information” when trading in or recommending Company securities. In accordance with applicable United States federal and state law, no Employee may engage in transactions in Company stock (whether for his or her own account, for the Company’s account or otherwise) while in possession of material inside information (“Insider Trading”) relating to China Distance Education Holdings Limited. Furthermore, no Employee who is in possession of material inside information may communicate such information to third parties who may use such information in the decision to purchase or sell Company stock (“Tipping”). These restrictions also apply to securities of other companies if an Employee learns of material inside information in the course of his or her duties for the Company. In addition to violating Company policy, Insider Trading and Tipping are illegal. What constitutes “material inside information” is a complex legal question, but is generally considered to be information not available to the general public, which a reasonable investor contemplating a purchase of Company stock would be substantially likely to take into account in making his or her investment decision. Such information includes information relating to a stock split and other actions relating to capital structure, major management changes, contemplated acquisitions or divestitures, and information concerning earnings or other financial information. Such information continues to be “inside” information until it is disclosed to the general public. Any person who is in possession of material inside information is deemed to be an “insider.” This would include all Employees (management and non-management), as well as spouses, friends or brokers who may have acquired such information directly or indirectly from an insider “tip.” Substantial penalties may be assessed against people who trade while in possession of material inside information and can also be imposed upon companies and so called controlling persons such as officers and directors, who fail to take appropriate steps to prevent or detect insider trading violations by their employees or subordinates. To avoid severe consequences, Employees should review this policy before trading in securities and consult with the Corporate Legal Department if any doubts exist as to what constitutes “material inside information.”

