

 例4:宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院推荐信 (University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School)

  问题1:In less than 30 words, how long have you known the applicant and describe your relationship to the applicant.

  分析:以少于30字来描述推荐人和申请人是如何认识的,是什么关系。一个简单的回答的例子是:I’ve known Mr. XYZ for more than 4 years. We were colleagues,friends and activities partners.

  问题2:In less than 30 words, please describe your overall impression of theapplicant.

  分析:以少于30字来描述推荐人对申请人的印象。这个问题有点难度,想把问题说清楚,又要不超过30字。我想最好的办法就是列举一串形容词来描述,比如:He is bright,diligent, ambitious, energetic, open-minded,mature and enthusiastic. 形容词表达起来言简意赅,一目了然。

  问题3:Howwould you rank this applicant comparative to their peer group? Please describe the peer group in which you are comparing this applicant.


  问题4:Comment on the applicant’s personal integrity.

  分析:最近几年商学院都越来越重视申请人的诚实品质。这也是他们对未来商业领袖的基本要求,前几年的安然倒闭, 安达信的审计丑闻, 世界通信公司的破产使得人们越来越看重诚实在商业中的重要性。
