牛津小学英语3A UNIT9的教案



  1、能听懂、会说close/open…及其应答语all right./ok等。

  2、能听懂、会说常见物品a door, a window, a box a fridge




  九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》3a unit 9 part b部分单词和part a picture 3 and picture 4


  2、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off

  三、教 学 过 程 设 计:

  step 1: greetings

  1、t: good morning, boys and girls.

  s: good morning, mr zhou.

  t: how are you?

  s1: fine, thank you. and you?

  t: i’m fine, too.

  first let’s sing a song: hello! how are you?

  sing the song together.

  2、show a bag to the students and ask them to guess.

  t: what’s in the bag? (touch and guess.)

  s1: a pear?

  s2: a banana? t: let me open the bag. let’s have a look.

  ss: ok./ all right.

  t: a . ×× is right. (several times)

  step 2: presentation

  1、show a pencil-box and ask the students to guess

  t: what’s in the pencil-box?

  s1: a pen?

  s2: a rubber?


  t: let’s open the pencil-box and have a look. ok?

  teach the word ‘open’


  t: let’s open the pencil-box.

  ss: all right.

  t: open the pencil-box


  2 、show a box to the students

  t: this is a box.教师打开盒子。教师引导学生说:“open the box.”

  show a picture of a fridge.

  教师引导学生说:“open the fridge, please.”

  s: open the fridge, please.

  t: all right./ok.


  open the book

  open open let’s open the book.

  open the box

  open open let’s open the box.

  open the pencil-box

  open open let’s open the pencil box.

  open the fidge.

  open open let’s open the fridge.

  s1,open the door, please.(教师指指门,引导学生去开门)


  4、t: open the door , please. sa.

  s: all right.

  t: thank you.

  teach the word ‘door’.


  door door door

  it’s a door.

  it’s a brown door.

  door door door.

  let’s open the door.

  ask students to make up a dialogue .

  5、teach the word ‘window’ in the same way.


  t: i’m not so good.

  s: i’m sorry.

  t: i’m very cold.close the door, please.(act it out.)

  teach the word ‘close’.

  学生跟读close close、close the door. close the door, please.

  学生跟读close close、close the window. close the window, please.

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